Dialogue4Syria is a safe, protected and free digital space

This is a platform where media, community and civil society actors meet for consultation, dialogue and exchange of ideas, opinions and evidence for solutions for Syria. Wherever they are or whatever perspective they hold on issues. Everyone can join the platform to communicate freely.

You can easily join the platform by creating an account. You can choose to use an acronym instead of your real name, to stay anonymous for other people using the chat rooms.

Please visit the Privacy section to learn more about how your data is handled: how long your email is stored in the server, who has access to it, and the rules of the platform that would protect your freedom of expression and identity.

For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy Page

Vision and Values

This platform was developed to create a safe space for consultation on critical issues that are at stake, and to facilitate dialogue between media and media, media and Civil Society, and Syrians in general wherever they are.
It is a place to communicate your ideas and share your opinions, free from the limitations of stereotypes and preconceived ideas.
You can choose to be anonymous to other people joining the conversation, by using an acronym instead of your real name on the platform. Anonymity in the context of the Syria crisis is not unethical. It offers radical freedom to express oneself without any sense of fear, guilt, shame or a connotation of personality, identity or history.
After all, it is not important who ‘you are but what you say’. Constructive communication is the way to build the cohesion that Syrian people need.